
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Catch Up

I'm sorry. I know that you wake up every morning, jumped out of bed, race to the computer and check the Kitchen sink and More and, for the pass few days, there has been no payoff. No new posts. The rest of your day is gray, you check back a few times, but no-I have forsaken you.

Ya, sorry about ruining your life. This week is nuts - beyond nuts! I'm forcing myself to be a people person for the sake of my Pure Romance business, which involves a lot of smiling and general cheerfulness. That is draining!

When I finally get home from all my sunshine and rainbows spreading, I just don't have anything witty to say!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I spy with my little eye...

From my spot on the couch, I can glance around the room and find five vignettes that make me want to inflict harm on the man that I live with. I love him, so not anything that would leave a mark-just a swift kick to the shin or a nipple twister would suffice.

Exhibit A - Those are socks. On the coffee table. The man won't put his book on the top of the toilet tank because he is afraid of poo germs, but it's okay to put your SOCKS on the coffee table.
Exhibit B: Count 'em. One, two, three pairs of shoes under the coffee table. When I try to put them away he tells me he needs to wear them tomorrow. Really? Three pairs?

Exhibit C - Unworn Adidas sandals. Why is that an irritant, one asks. Well, that's the third pair I've bought. The third pair that aren't right. The nubbies on the inner soles pinch his feet. Three pairs, three styles of nubbies, three failures.

Exhibit D - That's a strange place for a hat rack. That's because it's not a hat rack. It's a sconce light. Just since we've been chatting a third one has made it's way to the pile.

Exhibit E(final exhibit)- Well, that's just a harmless guitar. He doesn't play guitar. He bought strings for his new musical instrument and set it in the corner. That was six days ago. I have no idea where it came from.

Oh Al, I love you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh, She's Gonna Looove This!

A pictorial tribute in honor of my sissy's birthday.

You've been my sister
for many years,
We've laughed together
And shed some tears.
We've had harsh words,
And pulled some hair
But against the world
We are a terrific pair.
Our times together are very few,
I just want to say I LOVE YOU!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bitch Test

On occasion, my family, co-workers and friends will inform me that something I have said or done is not polite, overly sarcastic, snarky or "bitchy".

Most of the time, I don't believe them. For example, my sister and I were at a garage sale and the home owner asked if I needed any "Brand New Size B Bras." I responded " No, we are a large breasted family."

I thought this was hilarious, my sister says it was bitchy - that I was implying that home owner has small boobs. Not true, I was simply informing her that those "Brand New Size B Bras" wouldn't work on my frame.

So, today I have a bitch test for you and I would appreciate your honest opinion.

Picture this - I arrive at the car wash at 5:20.

Me: Hello, I would like a full service wash with an interior detail.
Car Wash Gentleman: I don't have time for that.
Me: Why not?
Car Wash Gentleman: We close at 5:30
Me: Well, how long does it take?
Car Wash Gentleman: About 15 minutes
Me: You are unwilling to stay 5 minutes late for a paying customer?
Car Wash Gentleman: We close at 5:30
Me: Fine, do what you can I guess

Al Borlan (aka: my live in lova) says I'm an asshole. That in no way should I expect him to stay 5 minutes late and I am inconsiderate for asking. Don't I know that you can't show up somewhere 10 minutes before they close.....and so on.

Here's my case:
1. I didn't show up at 5:29, I came at 5:20 - a full 10 minutes before they close.
2. If you close at 5:30, you don't turn away a customer at 5:20!
3. I wasn't asking for an hour long massage - I merely wanted a 15 minute interior detail.
4. If my boss approaches me at 4:50 for assitance, I don't tell him "Sorry-I'm off in 10 minutes"

What do think about the Car Wash Case?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Photo Friday (early Saturday) "We're All Gonna Die"

This is awesome, I've been studying it for an hour. Fellow people watchers, you'll love it. I've started to create stories for each person.

Ya, that's what I do on Friday nights. Create fictional lives for complete strangers.

We're All Gonna Die - 100 Meters of Existence

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dear Lost Follower

Why have you forsaken me?

I only had 8 followers. That's not very many. Now I have 7, which is even less than 8. **Sigh** I ask not for sympathy or pity, I only seek answers from you - lost follower . Where did you go? I feel like we were really beginning to connect, to share intimate experiences over the blogoshpere.

Did I not comment your blog enough? Come back to me, I will LOL your every post.

Did I offend you? I will never post photos of weenie babies or make fun of children again.

Oh, lost follower, how will I find the will to write without your avatar smiling coyly from my sidebar?

I miss you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

WTF Wednesday - Caption Me!

Happy hump day! I'm starting a new weekly tradition called WTF Wednesday! Captions are welcome and rewarded. With what, you ask-love...

Installment #1 -

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Your Mom

These are gifts your mom will love. No, I need you to trust me on this one. You will win back the love that she lost when your life turned out to be not what she imagined for you.

He meows when you stick the pencil in.Joint shaped Birthday candles - Don't forget to tell mom you can't really smoke it-it's wax, and wax doesn't get you high.

There is a bladder in there to hold your alcohol. Worn under your shirt, you can BYOB to ball games, parks, work functions, Costco and church.
Weenie babies-why? because moms love weenies.

When she cries and tells that she loves you and that you may, in fact, amount to something - you are allowed to call me and thank me. Then put your mom on the phone so I can take all the credit.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Help! I'm Stuck to the Kitchen Floor!

So I saw this at Walgreens :

And I thought - "oh cool, this will work perfect for my Pure Romance cue cards - I can look like a super cool artist rather than a Kindergartener with a glue stick"

I may have looked like a really cool graphic artist while spraying away and jamming out to the ipod, but I felt like a housewife when I was scrubbing my kitchen floors.

Ya, don't use this unless you have a studio, a garage or a tarp. I just spent over an hour drunkenly (did I mention the three glasses of wine associated with spray gluing and rocking out?) scrubbing the glue particles off the kitchen floor, the kitchen table, my ipod and the cat's paws. I could hear his sticky footsteps from the other room. Actually the clumpy tar and feather style cat hair clumps made cleaning up my mess that much more fun.

Moral of story: don't use spray glue unless you are qualified
Other moral of story: if your gonna be an unqualified spray gluer-don't drink and spray

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cut the Cord

Saw this gem on the Today show yesterday. "Tummy Tubs"- put your kid in this bucket to wash it. Why? Because it reminds them of the womb. They feel safe and secure.

I don't have any kids, but it seems to me that these babies need to wake up to the real world. Guess what baby, your not in the womb anymore. Ya, life sucks -welcome. The earlier the little suckers learn that the better they will adapt. That one in the middle looks like it is about 2 years old. Shouldn't it have a job or something instead of hanging out in womby tub?

Next we'll we be sending kids to school in fluid filled womb suits and bubble wrap loafers.