
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dear Lost Follower

Why have you forsaken me?

I only had 8 followers. That's not very many. Now I have 7, which is even less than 8. **Sigh** I ask not for sympathy or pity, I only seek answers from you - lost follower . Where did you go? I feel like we were really beginning to connect, to share intimate experiences over the blogoshpere.

Did I not comment your blog enough? Come back to me, I will LOL your every post.

Did I offend you? I will never post photos of weenie babies or make fun of children again.

Oh, lost follower, how will I find the will to write without your avatar smiling coyly from my sidebar?

I miss you.


  1. Awww...I know the feeling, I had to make Pittman follow me so I could get to 8. Who can I sucker now? Oh, to find faithful followers...

  2. I lost a follower last week too.

    Major bummage.

  3. Really? That bad? Hang yourself!
