1. You must advertise with more than one sign. After the first turn, I still need to know where to go. The Gods of broken vacuum cleaners and baby clothes will not magically bring me to your door.
2. If you pack up early, you must take your signs down. Otherwise, I will knock on your door and ask to buy things inside your house.
3. If your ad says you open at 8:00 am, you must have all of your things out and priced at 8:00 am. If you are still bringing things out when I pull up I will take all your signs down because, clearly, you are not organized enough to have a garage sale.
4. If you have only junk, please call Goodwill. No one wants to buy mismatched shoes, skanky stuffed animals or Christmas decorations from 1973.
5. If you believe your things are priceless, do not have a garage sale. No one will pay $10 for a sconce I can purchase at T.J. Max for $12. For $2 more, I'll buy it new, thanks. You will be dragging all of your priceless treasures back inside the house at the end of the day.
6. If you don't put a price tag on something, very few people will ask you the cost because it's a garage sale, not an auction. If you can't decide on a price, take it back inside. If, for some reason, I do ask the cost, do not respond with "What's it worth to you?" because I will tell you 5 cents.
7. You must have a FULL garage or yard worth of items. If you do not have at least this much, put it in the basement and add to the pile until you have enough for a decent showing. If you have less than this and decide to have a sale anyway. I will stand at the bottom of your driveway and direct traffic away from your house.
8. Do not stare at your customers, no one is going to steal your collection of coffee mugs.
9. Do not harass your customers. We can decide on our own what is "a must have" or "a great deal." If you talk to me about an item I am looking at, I will promptly put it down and leave your garage.
10. If your garage smells like cat pee, mold, poop or old people, do not have a sale.
1 hour ago
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